Invited speakers

Each workshop will open with one or two plenary talks, followed by a session during which the research work of the participating PhD students will be discussed.

Plenary speakers

Maria José Brites

Lusófona University of Porto, Portugal

Sirkku Kotilainen

University of Tampere, Finland

Normand Landry

TELUQ (Université du Québec), Canada

John Potter

University College London, UK

Olivier Le Deuff

Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France

(by visioconference)

Leo Van Audenhove

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Sheila Webber

University of Sheffield, UK


Lapo Bettarini

La Concertation vzw, Action Culturelle Bruxelloise, Belgium

Daniel Bonvoisin

Média Animation ASBL, Belgium

Catherine Bouko

UGent, Belgium

Baptiste Campion

IHECS, Belgium

Anne-Sophie Collard

U Namur, Belgium

Paul de Theux

Média Animation ASBL, Belgium

Thierry De Smedt

UCLouvain, Belgium

Lionel Detry

UCLouvain, Belgium

Pierre Fastrez

UCLouvain, Belgium

Jerry Jacques

U Namur, Belgium

Sophie Lejoly

Deputy Secretary-General,

Association des Journalistes Professionnels (AJP), Belgium

Ilse Mariën

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Thibault Philippette

UCLouvain, Belgium

Héloïse Rouard

Visual Artist, previously Action Médias Jeunes (ACMJ) coordinator, Belgium

Patrick Verniers

IHECS, Belgium

The plenary speakers will also act as discussants in the sessions following their talks.